Congratulations to the winners of the 19th BENCHMARK Fund of the Year Awards. It is an exceptional year to celebrate the launch of a most disruptive Sustainability and Qualitative analytic platform, BlueOnion, a sister company of organizer, WealthAsia Media. The committee is overwhelmed with nearly 400 submissions across the region and sincere gratitude to the 38 jurors who have diligently screened through the hard work of the fund houses and have attended 32 Gatekeeper Forum sessions.

In partnership with:


Grand Award TitleThe Winner
Provider of the Year - OffshoreFSSA Investment Managers
Provider of the Year - OnshoreChina Asset Management (HK)
Provider of the Year - ETFCSOP Asset Management
Grand Award TitleThe Winner
Provider of the YearFSSA Investment Managers
Grand Award TitleThe Winner
年度基金公司大獎 - 共同基金稍晚公佈
年度基金公司大獎 - ETF稍晚公佈

Winners of the 2022's Awards

The House Awards recognize managers of various asset classes and strategies for delivering sustained, consistent outperformance on a risk-adjusted basis.  The winning strategy has demonstrated excellence across five Benchmark's forward-looking pillars across Investment Approach, Performance & Risk, Portfolio Management, Stewardship, and Corporate Quality.

Winning Titles
The strategy with the highest final score in its peer group wins the Best-in-Class award. Up to two Outstanding Achiever awards will be given to Strategies within a 5% margin below the Best-in-Class.

Asia Emerging Markets EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
Asia EquityMirae Asset Global InvestmentsBest-in-Class
Asia EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
Asia EquityFidelity InternationalOutstanding Achiever
Asia Income EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsBest-in-Class
Asia Income EquityFidelity InternationalOutstanding Achiever
Asia Pacific ex-Japan EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
Asia Pacific ex-Japan EquityPrincipal Hong KongBest-in-Class
China EquityBNP Paribas Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
China EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
China EquityE Fund Management (HK)Outstanding Achiever
China EquityMirae Asset Global InvestmentsOutstanding Achiever
China Income EquityE Fund Management (HK)Outstanding Achiever
Global Emerging Markets EquityRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Global EquityJ O Hambro Capital ManagementBest-in-Class
Global Income EquityRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Greater China EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsBest-in-Class
Greater China EquityBEA Union Investment ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Greater China EquityBNP Paribas Asset ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Hong Kong EquityE Fund Management (HK)Best-in-Class
Hong Kong EquityChina Universal Asset Management (HK)Outstanding Achiever
India EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
India EquityMirae Asset Global InvestmentsOutstanding Achiever
Japan EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsBest-in-Class
US EquityRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
US Income EquityRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Information Technology Sector EquityFranklin Templeton InvestmentsOutstanding Achiever
Infrastructure Sector EquityFranklin Templeton InvestmentsBest-in-Class
Infrastructure Sector EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
Asia Fixed IncomeManulife Investment ManagementBest-in-Class
Asia Fixed IncomeBEA Union Investment ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Asia Fixed IncomeBOCHK Asset ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Asia Fixed IncomeChina Asset ManagementOutstanding Achiever
China Fixed IncomeBOCHK Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
China Fixed IncomeBEA Union Investment ManagementOutstanding Achiever
China Fixed IncomeChina Universal Asset Management (HK)Outstanding Achiever
Emerging Markets Fixed IncomeE Fund Management (HK)Outstanding Achiever
Global Fixed IncomeChina Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
Global Fixed IncomeManulife Investment ManagementOutstanding Achiever
High Yield Fixed IncomeBNY Mellon Investment ManagementBest-in-Class
High Yield Fixed IncomePrincipal Hong KongOutstanding Achiever
Hong Kong Fixed IncomeRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
RMB Fixed IncomeBOCHK Asset ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Asia Allocation Mixed AssetFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
Balanced Mixed AssetFranklin Templeton InvestmentsOutstanding Achiever
Balanced Mixed AssetJ O Hambro Capital ManagementBest-in-Class
Flexible Mixed AssetManulife Investment ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Absolute ReturnChina Asset ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Credit FocusGaoTeng Global Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
Long/Short EquityChina Asset Management (HK)Outstanding Achiever
Long/Short EquityZeal Asset ManagementOutstanding Achiever


Although this program assesses investment strategies rather than funds, we ask for factsheets and other information related to the oldest share class of a flagship fund so that all candidates can be measured by the same metrics. The flagship strategy must:

  • have a minimum 3 years track record
  • have an ISIN code
  • must provide a prospectus or fact sheet

The flagship strategy submitted does not have to be an authorized fund in the jurisdiction of competition. It can be a UCITS, SICAV, etc…


In consultation with our panel of 70-80 buy-side jurors, consisting of mainly private and premier banking gatekeepers/fund selectors, family offices, and institutional investors, plus a handful of independent consultants and researchers – we’ve designed a scoring system with a questionnaire containing multiple options and binary answers. There are 3 levels of scores, the final score is a weighted combination of Levels I, II, and III:

Level I Score: Fund Questionnaire
Level II: Score: Juror Assessment
Level III Score: The Gatekeeper’s Forum

Overall Score = 10% (Level I) + 80% (Level II)+ 10% (Level III)

Level I Score: All participants are scored based on their selections of the options preset for each question in the Fund Questionnaire. The scores also pre-defined for each option in each question along the five key pillars.

Level II Score: Jurors who have signed up/assigned to a particular peer group will score based on their experience with the fund house and team, and the overall Level I scores presented to them. Scoring at this level could be relatively subjective, as each juror has his/her selection priorities, often guided by their underlying needs. For example, a private banking gatekeeper would have a different priority on criteria selection versus a single-family office.

Level III Score: All participants are invited to join The Gatekeeper’s Forum to present their strategies to the jurors. This is a highly curated forum where only the PM, CIO, or Product Specialists are invited to meet the Senior Gatekeepers in person. During the 30 minute session, a panel of 6-8 jurors will ask in-depth questions along the five key pillars for further understanding of the team practices. Jurors will score based on their satisfaction with the information received during the session.

Other Rules

Other Rules

Submitting Materials for Multiple Countries – If you are entering the same category for more than one country, you may use the same information, documents, and flagship fund across all the countries. For example, you’ve entered your global fixed income strategy for Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. You may use the same information for all three countries.

Submitting Materials for Multiple Strategies – Separate groups of jurors will evaluate different product types, so please make sure there is one submission per strategy. DO NOT send one submission to represent different strategies. Please submit separate entries for each strategy, with the exception of Pillar 5-Corporate Strength.

Merging Categories To ensure the quality of the awards, categories with less than three funds participating may be merged to a larger category of the same kind without prior notice

Asia Emerging Markets EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
Asia EquityMirae Asset Global InvestmentsBest-in-Class
Asia EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
Asia EquityFidelity InternationalOutstanding Achiever
Asia Income EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsBest-in-Class
Asia Income EquityFidelity InternationalOutstanding Achiever
Asia Pacific ex-Japan EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
China EquityBNP Paribas Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
China EquityMirae Asset Global InvestmentsOutstanding Achiever
Global Emerging Markets EquityRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Global EquityJ O Hambro Capital ManagementBest-in-Class
Global Income EquityRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Greater China EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsBest-in-Class
Greater China EquityBNP Paribas Asset ManagementOutstanding Achiever
India EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
India EquityMirae Asset Global InvestmentsOutstanding Achiever
Japan EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsBest-in-Class
US Income EquityRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Information Technology Sector EquityFranklin Templeton InvestmentsOutstanding Achiever
Infrastructure Sector EquityFranklin Templeton InvestmentsBest-in-Class
Infrastructure Sector EquityFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
Asia Fixed IncomeManulife Investment ManagementBest-in-Class
Global Fixed IncomeManulife Investment ManagementOutstanding Achiever
High Yield Fixed IncomeBNY Mellon Investment ManagementBest-in-Class
RMB Fixed IncomeRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Singapore Fixed IncomeUOB Asset ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Asia Allocation Mixed AssetFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
Balanced Mixed AssetJ O Hambro Capital ManagementBest-in-Class
Balanced Mixed AssetFranklin Templeton InvestmentsOutstanding Achiever
Flexible Mixed AssetManulife Investment ManagementOutstanding Achiever


For eligibility, the fund must:

  • exists on the BlueOnion fund database
  • be registered in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore or China
  • have a minimum 3 years track record for the Performance award



Performances between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2020 will be aggregated on a 12-month rolling basis, based on the following criteria:

  • 1 Year & 3 Year Total Return
  • 1 Year & 3 Year S.D.
  • 1 Year & 3 Year Sortino Ratio
  • Total Expense Ratio

The effective weights of each score set in the calculation are as follows:

  • Return: 60% (1 Year Return)+ 40% (3 Year Return)
  • S.D: 60% (1 Year S.D.)+ 40% (3 Year S.D.)
  • Sortino Ratio: 60% (1 Year Sortino Ratio)+ 40% (3 Year Sortino Ratio)
  • Fee: Total Expense Ratio (TER)

Overall score = 50% (Return) + 20% (S.D) + 20% (Sortino Ratio) +10% (TER)



儘管該過程評估的是投資策略而非基金本身,但我們要求提供成立最久的旗艦基金,及其相關的公開說明書和月報,以便所有候選公司都可以用相同的指標來評選。 該策略需要符合以下標準:

  • 應有3年操作實績
  • 擁有ISIN code
  • 必須提供基金公開說明書或基金月報

您可以為每個類別提交多檔基金  (假設: 貴公司有2檔符合該類別的基金,允許同時提交至同一類別競選)   所提出的策略不限於當地核備之基金。 它可以是 UCITS、SICAV 等…


第一步: 確認參賽的基金策略和適用的獎項類別,我們聽取了參賽者的建議,決定允許在每個類別可申報不止一檔表現優異的基金策略。在選擇申報方式時,可考慮更受惠的聯合方案。

第二步: 填寫獎項問卷及提交材料,在咨詢我們由私人銀行和零售銀行把關人、家族辦公室和機構投資者以及少數獨立顧問和研究人員組成 的70-80 買方評審小組後,我們設計了一套評分系統,問卷包含多選題與問答題。由於報名人數逐年增加,我們無法再為每個基金策略提供參加把關人論壇的機會。為了在評審面前呈現最好的,達到資格門檻的候選人將被列入第二輪評審評估。這些入圍候選人由問卷中提供的答案的質量決定。台灣地區未設立把關人論壇,填寫完整問卷後將直接進入評審評分。

第三步:參加把關人論壇的候選者將完成問卷的其餘部分,即提交文字回答。評審將根據記分卡中指定的標準與投資組合經理或投資長面談進行評分。把關人論壇是一個精心策劃的論壇,僅邀請投資組合經理、投資長或產品專家親自與資深的把關人看會面。在30分鐘的會議期間,由3-5名評審組成的小組將圍繞五個關鍵支柱提出深入的問題,以進一步了解團隊實踐。評審將獲得整體 I 級和 II 級提交以及從獨立來源提取的報告 — Morningstar 用於基金的績效表現,BlueOnion 用於基金的永續發展表現。已註冊/分配到特定組別的評審將根據他們在基金公司和團隊的經驗以及提供給他們的材料進行評分。在這個階段的評選相對主觀,因為每個評審都有他們的選擇優先級,通常取決於他們的潛在需求和經驗。例如,私人銀行把關人和單一家族辦公室的優先考慮不同。





每隻基金可角逐多個獎項類別。不同的獎項類別有不同的專業評審團評核,因此請為每個獎項類別分別提交問卷。第五支柱 – 企業實力除外。



The  Sustainability Award recognizes fund managers’ ability to manage medium- to long-term environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities, and are walking their talk sustainability practices. 

The flagship fund submitted by the candidates needs to demonstrate the walking the talks of the fund houses’ ESG, GC, and Temperature performances against their peers.

Impact Thematic - Sustainable InvestingJ O Hambro Capital ManagementOutstanding Achiever
ESG IntegrationBNP Paribas Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
ESG IntegrationFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
ESG IntegrationFidelity InternationalOutstanding Achiever
Stewardship AwardBNP Paribas Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
Stewardship AwardJ O Hambro Capital ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Climate Strategy AwardBNP Paribas Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
Transparency AwardRegrettably, there are no winners in this category


To enter, the flagship fund best exemplifies your capability, must:

  • have a minimum 1-year track record
  • provide an oldest share class flagship fund as best exemplifies
  • have an ISIN code
  • provide prospectus or fact sheet

The flagship strategy submitted does not have to be an authorized fund in the jurisdiction of competition. It can be a UCITS, SICAV, etc…


Specific questions will be asked in each respective category, and upon completion of the questionnaire, the submission will be subject to three scoring levels. The final score is a weighted combination of Levels I, II, and III:

Level I Score: Sustainability Questionnaire
Level II: Score: Juror Assessment
Level III Score: The Gatekeeper’s Forum

Overall Score = 10% (Level I) + 80% (Level II)+ 10% (Level III)

Level I Score: All participants are scored based on their selections of the options preset for each question in the Fund Questionnaire. The scores also pre-defined for each option in each question along the five key pillars.

Level II Score: Jurors who have signed up/assigned to a particular peer group will score based on their experience with the fund house and team, and the overall Level I scores presented to them. Scoring at this level could be relatively subjective, as each juror has his/her selection priorities, often guided by their underlying needs. For example, a private banking gatekeeper would have a different priority on criteria selection versus a single-family office.

Level III Score: All participants are invited to join The Gatekeeper’s Forum to present their strategies to the jurors. This is a highly curated forum where only the PM, CIO, or Product Specialists are invited to meet the Senior Gatekeepers in person. During the 30 minute session, a panel of 6-8 jurors will ask in-depth questions along the five key pillars for further understanding of the team practices. Jurors will score based on their satisfaction with the information received during the session.

Impact Thematic - Climate ImpactRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Impact Thematic - Sustainable InvestingJ O Hambro Capital ManagementOutstanding Achiever
ESG IntegrationBNP Paribas Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
ESG IntegrationFidelity InternationalOutstanding Achiever
ESG IntegrationFirst Sentier InvestorsOutstanding Achiever
Stewardship AwardBNP Paribas Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
Stewardship AwardJ O Hambro Capital ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Climate Strategy AwardBNP Paribas Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
Transparency AwardRegrettably, there are no winners in this category


To enter, the flagship fund best exemplifies your capability, must:

  • have a minimum 1-year track record
  • provide an oldest share class flagship fund as best exemplifies
  • have an ISIN code
  • provide prospectus or fact sheet

The flagship strategy submitted does not have to be an authorized fund in the jurisdiction of competition. It can be a UCITS, SICAV, etc…


Specific questions will be asked in each respective category, and upon completion of the questionnaire, the submission will be subject to three scoring levels. The final score is a weighted combination of Levels I, II, and III:

Level I Score: Sustainability Questionnaire
Level II: Score: Juror Assessment
Level III Score: The Gatekeeper’s Forum

Overall Score = 10% (Level I) + 80% (Level II)+ 10% (Level III)

Level I Score: All participants are scored based on their selections of the options preset for each question in the Fund Questionnaire. The scores also pre-defined for each option in each question along the five key pillars.

Level II Score: Jurors who have signed up/assigned to a particular peer group will score based on their experience with the fund house and team, and the overall Level I scores presented to them. Scoring at this level could be relatively subjective, as each juror has his/her selection priorities, often guided by their underlying needs. For example, a private banking gatekeeper would have a different priority on criteria selection versus a single-family office.

Level III Score: All participants are invited to join The Gatekeeper’s Forum to present their strategies to the jurors. This is a highly curated forum where only the PM, CIO, or Product Specialists are invited to meet the Senior Gatekeepers in person. During the 30 minute session, a panel of 6-8 jurors will ask in-depth questions along the five key pillars for further understanding of the team practices. Jurors will score based on their satisfaction with the information received during the session.

Other Rules

Other Rules

Submitting Materials for Multiple Countries – If you are entering the same category for more than one country, you may use the same information, documents, and flagship fund across all the countries. For example, you’ve entered your global fixed income strategy for Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. You may use the same information for all three countries.

Submitting Materials for Multiple Strategies – Separate groups of jurors will evaluate different product types, so please make sure there is one submission per strategy. DO NOT send one submission to represent different strategies. Please submit separate entries for each strategy, with the exception of Pillar 5-Corporate Strength.

Merging Categories
To ensure the quality of the awards, categories with less than three funds participating may be merged to a larger category of the same kind without prior notice

影響力投資大獎 - 氣候影響主題富蘭克林證券投顧同級最佳
影響力投資大獎 - 氣候影響主題施羅德投信傑出表現
影響力投資大獎 - 水資源主題法銀巴黎投顧同級最佳
影響力投資大獎 - 永續投資主題永豐投信傑出表現
影響力投資大獎 - 永續投資主題施羅德投信同級最佳
影響力投資大獎 - 減碳主題從缺,該類別無合資格得獎者
影響力投資大獎 - 環境影響主題安聯投信傑出表現
影響力投資大獎 - 社會影響法銀巴黎投顧傑出表現
影響力投資大獎 - 能源轉型主題法銀巴黎投顧同級最佳

我們的主題股票類別專注於對世界帶來積極影響的共同基金,同時獲得可觀的經風險調整回報。 評審將在影響力投資領域尋找你的競爭主張、負面和正面的實質性影響、和/或實現這些目標的進展、投資規模與所創造的影響內容、以及如何對促進社會/經濟解決方案作出影響和貢獻。



此獎旨在表彰投資管理公司能致力將ESG 納入到投資決策,在整個投資過程中將ESG整合到產品及投資活動,並強化ESG創造長期價值。


1. 系統性方法

  • 用創新方法分析環境,社會和治理(ESG)並應用於管理的基金,不分行業、國家和資產類別。
  • 與歐盟 SFDR 第 8 條 ESG 整合監管技術標準的一致性水平

2. 團隊支持和實行


3. 披露

揭露 ESG 資訊與指標納入投資流程的政策與程序,並有效與被投資公司溝通。

4. 執行


5. 成果





  • 有效的盡職管理基本原則
  • 持續發展和實施盡職管理政策
  • 被投資對象的監督及評估方法
  • 與被投資公司和投資者的合作目標和參與原則
  • 如何行使投票權
  • 如何將ESG提升,長期價值創造
  • 披露和報告的透明度




評審還將根據氣候相關財務揭露(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures, “TCFD") 中治理、策略、風險管理、指標和目標四大核心要素以及與這四個支柱相關的其他 11 個指標的揭露水平來評估。


  • 上一個報告週期的 TCFD 報告
  • 超出/超越監管要求的額外自願揭露
  • 持股公司中符合四大支柱和 11 個主題的披露及其披露質量的公司百分比
  • 為應對報告中描述的實體和轉型風險的策略揭露政策與程序,以及實現設定的目標和指標


以最能體現公司永續實力的基金策略參賽, 需符合:

  • 1 年的績效記錄
  • 提供成立最久的級別作為例證
  • 提供ISIN code
  • 提供公開說明書和月報

可為一個永續類別提交多檔基金.  (假設: 貴公司有2檔符合該類別的基金,允許同時提交至同一類別競選)  提交的基金策略不必是參賽當地管轄範圍內的認可基金。 它可以是 UCITS、SICAV 等…


在諮詢我們由私人銀行和零售銀行把關人、家族辦公室和機構投資者以及少數獨立顧問和研究人員組成 的70-80 買方評審小組後, 我們設計了一個評分系統包含多選題和問答題的問卷,參賽者需完成為不同永續類別所準備的問卷。將分為兩個評分階段。最後的分數是兩個階段的評分加權得出:



把關人論壇是一個精心策劃的論壇,僅邀請投資組合經理、投資長或產品專家親自與資深的把關人看會面。在30分鐘的會議期間,由3-5名評審組成的小組將圍繞五個關鍵支柱提出深入的問題,以進一步了解團隊實踐。評審將獲得整體 I 級評分和 獨立來源提取的報告 — Morningstar 用於基金的績效表現,BlueOnion 用於基金的永續發展表現。


These ETF awards recognize ETF providers who endeavor to develop products that help long-term investors achieve diversification, risk management, and asset allocation plans.

Winning Titles
The ETF with the highest final score in the respective category will be awarded the Best-in-Class (BIC) title. Up to two other ETFs with scores within 5% below BIC will be awarded Outstanding Achiever titles.

These awards recognize ETF providers who endeavor to develop products that help long-term investors achieve diversification, risk management, and asset allocation plans.

Winning Titles
The ETF with the highest final score in the respective category will be awarded the Best-in-Class (BIC) title. Up to two other ETFs with scores within 5% below BIC will be awarded Outstanding Achiever titles.

Best Biotech ETF IssuerRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Best China Equity ETF IssuerCSOP Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
Best China Equity ETF IssuerHang Seng Investment ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Best Emerging Markets ETF IssuerCSOP Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
Best Global Equity ETF IssuerRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Best Hong Kong Equity ETF IssuerCSOP Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
Best Hong Kong Equity ETF IssuerHang Seng Investment ManagementOutstanding Achiever
Best US Equity ETF IssuerChina Asset Management (HK)Outstanding Achiever
Best Fixed Income ETF IssuerCSOP Asset ManagementBest-in-Class
Best Leveraged & Inversed ETF IssuerCSOP Asset ManagementBest-in-Class

Our theme equity categories are focused on ETFs bringing a positive impact on the world while making respectable risk-adjusted returns. Judges will look for your competitive proposition in the impact investment space, the substantial impact, both negative and positive, and/or the progress towards achieving those goals, the scale of the investments vs. the impact terms created, and how the impact contributes to society/economy-wide solution.

Participants will go through the same process as the House Awards participants with additional questions on Sustainability practices.

ESG IntegrationRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Impact Thematic - Energy Transition FocusedRegrettably, there are no winners in this category


There are 2 levels of scoring, and the final score is a weighted combination of Levels I and II:

Level I Score: ETF Questionnaire
Level II Score: Juror Assessment
Overall Score: 15% (Level I) + 85% (Level II)

Level I Score: All participants are scored based on their selections of the options preset for each question in the ETF Questionnaire. The scores also pre-defined for each option in each question along the five key pillars.

Level II Score: Jurors who have signed up/assigned to a particular peer group will score based on their experience with the fund house and team and the overall Level I scores presented to them. Scoring at this level could be relatively subjective, as each juror has its selection priorities, often guided by its underlying needs. For example, a private banking gatekeeper would have a different priority on criteria selection versus a single-family office.

Other rules

Submitting Materials for Multiple Strategies – Separate groups of jurors will evaluate different product types, so please ensure one submission per strategy. Please submit separate entries for each strategy, except for Pillar 5-Corporate Strength. DO NOT send one submission to represent different strategies.

Merging Categories – To ensure the quality of the awards, categories with less than three funds participating may be merged to a larger category of the same kind without prior notice.


Although this program assesses investment strategies rather than funds, we ask for factsheets and other information related to the flagship ETF. The flagship ETF must meet the following criteria:

  • Must have a minimum 1-year track record
  • Must have an ISIN for the flagship ETF
  • Must provide a prospectus or fact sheet

These awards recognize ETF providers who endeavor to develop products that help long-term investors achieve diversification, risk management, and asset allocation plans.

Winning Titles
The ETF with the highest final score in the respective category will be awarded the Best-in-Class (BIC) title. Up to two other ETFs with scores within 5% below BIC will be awarded Outstanding Achiever titles.

Best Hong Kong Equity ETF IssuerRegrettably, there are no winners in this category

Our theme equity categories are focused on ETFs bringing a positive impact on the world while making respectable risk-adjusted returns. Judges will look for your competitive proposition in the impact investment space, the substantial impact, both negative and positive, and/or the progress towards achieving those goals, the scale of the investments vs. the impact terms created, and how the impact contributes to society/economy-wide solution.

Participants will go through the same process as the House Awards participants with additional questions on Sustainability practices.

ESG IntegrationRegrettably, there are no winners in this category
Impact Thematic - Energy Transition FocusedRegrettably, there are no winners in this category


There are 2 levels of scoring, and the final score is a weighted combination of Levels I and II:

Level I Score: ETF Questionnaire
Level II Score: Juror Assessment
Overall Score: 15% (Level I) + 85% (Level II)

Level I Score: All participants are scored based on their selections of the options preset for each question in the ETF Questionnaire. The scores also pre-defined for each option in each question along the five key pillars.

Level II Score: Jurors who have signed up/assigned to a particular peer group will score based on their experience with the fund house and team and the overall Level I scores presented to them. Scoring at this level could be relatively subjective, as each juror has its selection priorities, often guided by its underlying needs. For example, a private banking gatekeeper would have a different priority on criteria selection versus a single-family office.

Other rules

Submitting Materials for Multiple Strategies – Separate groups of jurors will evaluate different product types, so please ensure one submission per strategy. Please submit separate entries for each strategy, except for Pillar 5-Corporate Strength. DO NOT send one submission to represent different strategies.

Merging Categories – To ensure the quality of the awards, categories with less than three funds participating may be merged to a larger category of the same kind without prior notice.


Although this program assesses investment strategies rather than funds, we ask for factsheets and other information related to the flagship ETF. The flagship ETF must meet the following criteria:

  • Must have a minimum 1-year track record
  • Must have an ISIN for the flagship ETF
  • Must provide a prospectus or fact sheet

該獎項旨在表彰致力於開發產品以幫助長期投資者實現多元化、風險管理和資產配置計劃的 ETF 基金公司。


在相同類別中,得分最高的ETF公司將榮獲同級最佳獎 (BEST-IN-CLASS)名銜,其後至多有兩名總分與之差距少於5%之參賽者將獲授傑出表現獎 (OUTSTANDING ACHIEVER)名銜。

最佳Smart Beta股票型ETF發行商元大投信傑出表現
最佳Smart Beta股票型ETF發行商國泰投信傑出表現

我們的主題股票類別專注於對世界帶來積極影響的ETF,同時獲得可觀的經風險調整回報。 評審將在影響力投資領域尋找你的競爭主張、負面和正面的實質性影響、和/或實現這些目標的進展、投資規模與所創造的影響內容、以及如何對促進社會/經濟解決方案作出影響和貢獻。


ETF ESG整合大獎元大投信同級最佳
ETF ESG整合大獎永豐投信傑出表現
影響力投資大獎 - 永續投資ETF國泰投信同級最佳
影響力投資大獎 - 永續投資ETF永豐投信傑出表現
影響力投資大獎 - 治理影響主題ETF富邦投信同級最佳
影響力投資大獎 - 能源轉型主題ETF從缺,該類別無合資格得獎者


以最能體現公司永續實力的ETF參賽, 需符合:

  • 有 1 年的績效記錄
  • 提供ISIN code
  • 提供公開說明書和月報

你可以為一個類別提交多檔ETF. (如貴公司有兩檔ETF符合同一永續類別,可考慮同時提交參賽)


參賽者需針對各個類別提出的具體問題,完成我們在諮詢私人銀行和零售銀行把關人、家族辦公室和機構投資者以及少數獨立顧問和研究人員組成 的70-80 買方評審小組後設計的問卷。將分為三個評分階段。最後的分數是三個階段的評分加權得出:


The Top fund awards series are not open for nomination.

Benchmark's top Mutual Funds are selected based purely on quantitative data in our BlueOnion fund database. The subset awards strategies that demonstrate medium-to-long-term tangible outcomes without exposing the investors to unnecessary risks.  The performance assessment for the Top Funds in each category is calculated below:

20% – 1 Yr Annualized Return
25% – 3 Yr Annualized Return
20% – 1 Yr Sortino Ratio
25% – 3 Yr Sortino Ratio
10% – BlueOnion ESG Score

Winning Titles
The funds that are ranked in the top first Percentile (1st/100) in their respective peer groups will be awarded the Best-in-Class (BIC) title, and the funds ranked in the second and third Percentile (2nd/100 and 3rd/100) will be awarded the Outstanding Achiever (OSA) title.

ISINNameCategoryAward Winners
LU0348783662Allianz Oriental IncomeAsia EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
HK0000013760JPMorgan SAR Asian FundAsia ex-Japan EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0205439572Fidelity Asia Pacific Dividend FundAsia ex-Japan Income EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0702159343Fidelity Asian Smaller Companies FundAsia ex-Japan Small/Mid-Cap EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
HK0000138559Schroder China Equity AlphaChina A Shares EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1171460220Fullgoal China Small-Mid Cap Growth FundChina EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1023061473BGF European Value FundEurope EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0353647653Fidelity European Dividend FundEurope Income EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0997586861Fidelity Nordic FundEurope Small/Mid-Cap EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0827878363BGF Euro-Markets FundEurozone EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
HK0000270907BOCIP China Value FundGreater China EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1794554128Allianz GEM Equity High DividendGlobal Emerging Markets EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0503633330Pictet - Global Environmental OppsGlobal EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0329202179JPM Global Dividend FundGlobal Income EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
IE0008369823FSSA Hong Kong Growth FundHong Kong EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0336297295Mirae Asset Sust India Sect Leader Eq FdIndia EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0965088593Eastspring Inv Japan Dynamic FundJapan EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0997587083Fidelity Japan Value FundJapan EquityOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
LU0106259046Schroder ISF Latin AmericanLatin America EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
IE00B64MCJ60Barings Latin America FundLatin America EquityOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
LU0210536198JPM US Growth FundUS EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
HK0000013745JPMorgan SAR American FundUS EquityOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
LU0827887786BGF US Mid-Cap Value FundUS Small/Mid-Cap EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
ISINNameCategoryAward Winners
LU0552610593Pictet-Premium BrandsConsumer Goods & Services Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1939255532Ninety One GSF Global EnvirEcology Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
IE0033534557Janus Henderson Global Real Est Eq IncGlobal Real Estate Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0357321016Manulife GF Healthcare FundHealthcare Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0432979614JPM Global Healthcare FundHealthcare Sector EquityOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
LU0654597011BGF Natural Resources Growth & Inc FdNatural Resources Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0345780281Ninety One GSF Global Gold FundPrecious Metals Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
IE00B45NX917Neuberger Berman US Rel Est SecReal Estate Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1235294995Fidelity Global Technology FundTechnology Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1923621640Thematics Water FundWater Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
ISINNameCategoryAward Winners
LU2004370636DWS Invest Asian BondsAsia Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
HK0000065208BEA Union Investment Asian Bond and CcyAsia High Yield Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1174053386AB Emerging Market Corporate DebtEmerging Markets Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0937166394UBS (Lux) BF Euro High YieldEurope Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0893373133Abrdn Select Euro HY Bd FdEurope Fixed IncomeOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
LU1868822021Capital Group Global Corp Bd Fund (LUX)Global Corporate Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0255798109Pictet-Emerging Local Currency DebtGlobal Emerging Markets Fixed Income BEST-IN-CLASS
LU1912829493HSBC GIF Global Short Duration BondGlobal Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0654560100AB Short Duration High YieldGlobal High Yield Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
IE00B4K81J78Principal Post Short Duration HY FdGlobal High Yield Fixed IncomeOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
IE00B7FN5305Neuberger Berman Shrt Dur HiYld SDG EggmHigh Yield Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
HK0000065158BEA Union Investment HK Dollar HKD BdHKD Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
ISINNameCategoryAward Winners
CNE100002433ChinaAMC Xinghua MixedAggressive Mixed AssetBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0784639295JPM Asia Pacific Income FundAsia AllocationBEST-IN-CLASS
HK0000181138Da Cheng China BalancedGreater China AllocationBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0953506580Ninety One GSF Global Multi-Asset Inc FdUSD Conservative AllocationBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1884788164Schroder ISF Global Target ReturnUSD Flexible AllocationBEST-IN-CLASS


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ISINNameCategoryAward Winners
LU1242518931Fullerton Lux Funds Asia Absolute AlphaAsia ex-Japan EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0205439572Fidelity Asia Pacific Dividend FundAsia ex-Japan Income EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1273507522Fidelity Asian Smaller Companies FundAsia ex-Japan Small/Mid-Cap EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
IE00BKF2S510FSSA China A Shares FundChina A Shares EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0936575868Fidelity China Focus FundChina EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1023061473BGF European Value FundEurope EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0742537177Fidelity European Dividend FundEurope Income EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0997586788Fidelity European Smaller Companies FundEurope Small/Mid-Cap EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1273028123NN (L) Euro High DividendEurozone EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1794554128Allianz GEM Equity High DividendGlobal Emerging Markets EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1851367950Allianz Global SustainabilityGlobal EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
IE00B44DHJ04BNY Mellon Global Equity Income FundGlobal Income EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1781817850BGF Systematic China A-Shr Opps FundGreater China EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0307460401Eastspring Inv India Equity FundIndia EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1156285857Eastspring Inv Japan Dynamic FundJapan EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0011890265Janus Henderson Horizon Jpn Smr Coms FdJapan Small/Mid-Cap EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0106261539Schroder ISF US Large CapUS EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0827887786BGF US Mid-Cap Value FundUS Small/Mid-Cap EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
ISINNameCategoryAward Winners
IE00BDT8RF97GMO Climate Change Investment FundEcology Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
IE0033534557Janus Henderson Global Real Est Eq IncGlobal Real Estate Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0097089360AB International Health CareHealthcare Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0357321016Manulife GF Healthcare FundHealthcare Sector EquityOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
LU1142331880BGF Natural Resources Growth & Inc FdNatural Resources Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
IE00B45NX917Neuberger Berman US Rel Est SecReal Estate Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1560650563Fidelity Global Technology FundTechnology Sector EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
ISINNameCategoryAward Winners
SG9999007967Nikko AM Shenton Short Term Bond Fd (S$)Asia Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
IE00BGSXQQ02PIMCO GIS Asia High Yield Bond FundAsia High Yield Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0845699684Schroder ISF China Local Currency BondChina Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
IE00BMN94165Neuberger Berman Short Dur Em Mkt Dbt FdEmerging Markets Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1005416885AB Emerging Market Corporate DebtEmerging Markets Fixed IncomeOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
LU1486845966ODDO BHF Euro Credit Short DurationEurope Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1868822021Capital Group Global Corp Bd Fund (LUX)Global Corporate Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1574458987GS Emerging Markets Corporate Bond PortGlobal Emerging Markets Corporate Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
IE00BGJWX216PIMCO GIS Emerging Local Bond FundGlobal Emerging Markets Fixed Income BEST-IN-CLASS
IE00BFFWC988PIMCO GIS Income FundGlobal Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1165523371BGF Fixed Income Global Opportunities FdGlobal Fixed IncomeOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
LU0654560100AB Short Duration High YieldGlobal High Yield Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
IE00B7FN5305Neuberger Berman Shrt Dur HiYld SDG EggmHigh Yield Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
SG9999016000LionGlobal Short Duration Bond FundSGD Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
SG9999005334Fullerton Short Term Interest RateSGD Fixed IncomeOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
LU0996453428JPM Income Opportunity FundUS Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1165979268AB Mortgage Income PortfolioUS Fixed IncomeOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
LU0562247428JPM US Short Duration Bond FundUSD Corporate Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS
ISINNameCategoryAward Winners
LU1496350502Franklin Diversified Dynamic FundAggressive Mixed AssetBEST-IN-CLASS
SG9999010201Fullerton Asia Income Return FundAsia AllocationBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1496350171Franklin Diversified Balanced FundBalanced Mixed AssetBEST-IN-CLASS
IE00BG800X66PIMCO GIS Strategic Income FundEUR Conservative AllocationBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0107768219Schroder ISF Inflation Plus (EUR)EUR Flexible AllocationBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1244550577Franklin Global Multi-Asset Income FundFlexible Mixed AssetBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1820810270Capital Group Capital Income Bldr (LUX)USD Aggressive AllocationBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0494093205BGF ESG Multi-Asset FundUSD Balanced AllocationBEST-IN-CLASS
LU1089177924Foord International FundUSD Flexible AllocationBEST-IN-CLASS
ISINNameCategoryAward Winners
IE00BF076L85Neuberger Berman Uncorrelated Strats FdMultistrategyBEST-IN-CLASS


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ISINNameCategoryAward Winners
HK0000051877iShares Core MSCI Asia ex Japan ETFAsia ex-Japan EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
HK0000111283Harvest MSCI China A ETFChina A Shares EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
HK2801040828iShares Core MSCI China ETFChina EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
HK0000151925Global X MSCI China ETFChina EquityOUTSTANDING ACHIEVER
HK2800008867Tracker Fund of Hong KongHong Kong EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
LU0274210672Xtrackers MSCI USA Swap ETFUS EquityBEST-IN-CLASS
ISINNameCategoryAward Winners
HK0000182979ICBC CSOP FTSE Chinese Government and Policy Bank Bond Index ETFRMB Fixed IncomeBEST-IN-CLASS


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Competition Details and Rules 2022


The House Awards recognize active and passive managers of various asset classes and strategies for delivering sustained, consistent outperformance on a risk-adjusted basis while maintaining excellence in Benchmark's pillars. Benchmark and the buy-side community believe that investment strategies are best evaluated holistically rather than over-emphasizing past returns and risk metrics. In that light, our assessment is based on multiple facets of portfolio and risk management, and corporate strength. We see these facets as interlocking pieces forming a whole picture. Benchmark's five pillars are Investment Approach, Performance & Risk, Portfolio Management, Stewardship, and Corporate Quality.

Winning Titles
The strategy with the highest final score in its peer group wins the Best-in-Class award. Up to two Outstanding Achiever awards will be given to Strategies within a 5% margin below the Best-in-Class


Although this program assesses investment strategies rather than funds, we ask for factsheets and other information related to the oldest share class of a flagship fund so that all candidates can be measured by the same metrics. The strategy must:

    • have a minimum 3 years track record
    • have an ISIN code
    • must provide a prospectus or fact sheet

You can submit more than one fund to each category by entering the fund into a separate entry. The strategies presented do not have to be authorized funds in the jurisdiction of competition. It can be a UCITS, SICAV, etc..…

3 Steps to the Title:

Step 1: – Decide which investment strategies you would like to put forward. We have listened to our hard-working contestants and decided to allow them to enter more than one fund in each category. Please consider choosing the bundle package that will enable you to enter more funds into one type than going ala carte.

Step 2: – Fill out the Multiple Choice Questionnaire to be shortlisted. Due to increasing entries yearly, we can no longer offer each fund an opportunity to the Gatekeeper Forum. To present the best of the best in front of the judges, candidates who have met the qualifying threshold will be shortlisted to enter this second round of assessment. These shortlisted candidates are determined by the quality of the answers provided in the questionnaire.

Step 3: – Shortlisted candidates who made it to the Gatekeeper Forum will complete the rest of the questionnaire, which is the text responses of the submission. Judges will score their interviews with the PM/CIO based on the criteria specified in their scorecards. This is a subjective process, and the judges will be provided with the independent financial performance provided by Morningstar and the sustainability performance by BlueOnion.  This is a highly curated forum where only the PM, CIO, or Product Specialists are invited to meet the Senior Gatekeepers in person. During the 30-minute session, a panel of 3-5 jurors will ask in-depth questions along the five critical pillars for further understanding of team practices.   Jurors will be provided the overall Level I and II submission and an independent report extracted from independent sources – Morningstar for the fund's financial performance and BlueOnion for the fund's sustainability performance.    Jurors who have signed up/assigned to a particular peer group will score based on their experience with the fund house and team and the evidence presented in front of them. Cutting at this stage could be relatively subjective, as each juror has their selection priorities, often guided by their underlying needs and experiences. For example, a private banking gatekeeper would prioritize criteria selection differently than a single-family office.

Other Rules
Submitting Materials for Multiple Regions – If you are entering the same category for more than one region, you may use the same information, documents, and flagship fund across all the areas. For example, you've entered your global fixed-income strategy for Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. You may use the same information for all three regions.

Submitting Materials for Multiple Strategies – Separate groups of jurors will evaluate different product types, so please make sure there is one submission per strategy. Please submit separate entries for each system, except Pillar 5-Corporate Strength. DO NOT send one request to represent different strategies.

Merging Categories To ensure the quality of the awards, categories with less than three funds participating may be incorporated into a larger category of the same kind without prior notice.

  1. Asia Equity
  2. Asia Pacific ex-Japan Equity
  3. Asia Income Equity
  4. Asia Emerging Markets Equity
  5. Asia Small & Mid-Cap Equity
  6. China Equity
  7. China Income Equity
  8. China Small & Mid-Cap Equity
  9. Europe Equity
  10. Global Equity
  11. Global Income Equity
  12. Global Small & Mid Cap Equity
  13. Global Emerging Markets Equity
  14. Greater China Equity
  15. Hong Kong Equity
  16. India Equity
  17. Japan Equity
  18. Singapore Equity
  19. Taiwan Large-Cap Equity
  20. Taiwan Small & Mid-Cap Equity
  21. Thailand Equity
  22. US Equity
  23. US Income Equity
  24. US Small & Mid-Cap Equity
  25. UK Equity

Please note that the final naming of the award category may differ from the list displayed here.

  1. Biotechnology Sector Equity
  2. Consumer Discretionary Sector Equity
  3. Consumer Staples Sector Equity
  4. Financial Sector Equity
  5. Gold & Precious Metals Sector Equity
  6. Healthcare Sector Equity
  7. Industrial Sector Equity
  8. Infrastructure Sector Equity
  9. Information Technology Sector Equity
  10. Materials Sector Equity
  11. Real Estate Sector Equity
  12. Utilities Sector Equity

Please note that the final naming of the award category may differ from the list displayed here.

  1. Asia Fixed Income
  2. China Fixed Income
  3. Emerging Markets Fixed Income
  4. Europe Fixed Income
  5. Global Fixed Income
  6. High Yield Fixed Income
  7. Hong Kong Fixed Income
  8. Singapore Fixed Income
  9. Taiwan Fixed Income
  10. US Fixed Income
  11. RMB Fixed Income
  1. Aggressive Mixed Asset
  2. Asia Allocation Mixed Asset
  3. Balanced Mixed Asset
  4. Conservative Mixed Asset
  5. Flexible Mixed Asset
  1. Absolute Return
  2. Credit Focus
  3. Global Macro
  4. Long/Short Equity
  5. Market Neutral
  6. Multi Strategies


Although this program assesses investment strategies rather than funds, we ask for factsheets and other information related to the oldest share class of a fund so that all candidates can be measured by the same metrics. The Index fund or ETF must:

    • have a minimum 1-year track record
    • have an ISIN code
    • must provide a prospectus or fact sheet

You can submit more than one index fund or ETF to each category by entering the fund into a separate entry.


All participants are scored based on their selections of the options preset for each question in the Questionnaire. The scores were also pre-defined for each option in each question. Independent reports with data provided by  Morningstar for investment performance and BlueOnion for sustainability performance will be used in the algorithmic assessment for scoring. 

The Conventional Series:
  1. Best Active ETF Issuer
  2. Best Smart Beta Equity ETF Issuer
  3. Best Smart Beta Fixed Income ETF Issuer
  4. Best Global Equity ETF Issuer
  5. Best China Equity ETF Issuer
  6. Best US Equity ETF Issuer
  7. Best Fixed Income ETF Issuer
  8. Best Emerging Markets ETF Issuer
  9. Best Leveraged & Inversed ETF Issuer
  10. Best Taiwan Large-Cap Equity ETF (for Taiwan only)
  11. Best Hong Kong Equity ETF Issuer (for Hong Kong only)
  12. Best Singapore Equity ETF Issuer (for Singapore only)
The New Age Series:
  1. Best Metaverse ETF Issuer
  2. Best Blockchain-linked ETF Issuer
  3. Best AI & Robotics focused ETF Issuer
  4. Best Biotech ETF Issuer

In an industry managing trillions of dollars, investment managers' decisions, directly and indirectly, affect countless lives, the environment, and the overall fabric of life every day. The Sustainability Award aims to assess the fund manager's ability to manage medium- to long-term environmental, social, and governance (ESG) risks and opportunities. ESG is now a mainstream Category for Mutual Funds and ETF s to show off their walking their talk sustainability practices. We continue to recognize the funds driving the most sustainable impact while generating shareholders' value.  


To enter, the fund best exemplifies your capability, must:

  • have a minimum 1-year track record
  • provide the oldest share class fund as best exemplifies
  • have an ISIN code
  • provide prospectus or fact sheet

You can submit more than one fund to each category by entering the fund into a separate entry. The strategies presented do not have to be authorized funds in the jurisdiction of competition. It can be a UCITS, SICAV, etc..…

3 Steps to the Title:

Step 1: – Decide which investment strategies you would like to put forward. We have listened to our hard-working contestants and decided to allow them to enter more than one fund in each category. Please consider choosing the bundle package that will enable you to enter more funds into one type than going ala carte.

Step 2: – Fill out the Multiple Choice Questionnaire to be shortlisted. Due to increasing entries yearly, we can no longer offer each fund an opportunity to the Gatekeeper Forum. To present the best of the best in front of the judges, candidates who have met the qualifying threshold will be shortlisted to enter this second round of assessment. These shortlisted candidates are determined by the quality of the answers provided in the questionnaire.

Step 3: – Shortlisted candidates who made it to the Gatekeeper Forum will complete the rest of the questionnaire, which is the text responses of the submission. Judges will score their interviews with the PM/CIO based on the criteria specified in their scorecards. This is a subjective process, and the judges will be provided with the independent financial performance provided by Morningstar and the sustainability performance by BlueOnion.  This is a highly curated forum where only the PM, CIO, or Product Specialists are invited to meet the Senior Gatekeepers in person. During the 30-minute session, a panel of 3-5 jurors will ask in-depth questions along the five critical pillars for further understanding of team practices.   Jurors will be provided the overall Level I and II submission and an independent report extracted from independent sources – Morningstar for the fund's financial performance and BlueOnion for the fund's sustainability performance.    Jurors who have signed up/assigned to a particular peer group will score based on their experience with the fund house and team and the evidence presented in front of them. Cutting at this stage could be relatively subjective, as each juror has their selection priorities, often guided by their underlying needs and experiences. For example, a private banking gatekeeper would prioritize criteria selection differently than a single-family office.

Other Rules
Submitting Materials for Multiple Regions – If you are entering the same category for more than one region, you may use the same information, documents, and flagship fund across all the areas. For example, you've entered your global fixed-income strategy for Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. You may use the same information for all three regions.

Submitting Materials for Multiple Strategies – Separate groups of jurors will evaluate different product types, so please make sure there is one submission per strategy. DO NOT send one submission to represent different strategies.

Merging Categories To ensure the quality of the awards, categories with less than three funds participating may be incorporated into a larger category of the same kind without prior notice.

Our impact thematic categories for active strategies are targeted at positively impacting the world while making respectable risk-adjusted returns. Judges will look for your competitive proposition on the impact investment negative and positive impact, the progress towards achieving those goals, the scale of the investments vs. the impact terms created, and how the effect contributes to society/economy-wide solutions.

Categories for 2022:
  1. Agribusiness
  2. Alternative Energy
  3. Carbon Reduction
  4. Circular Economy
  5. Climate Impact 
  6. Energy Transition
  7. Environmental Impact
  8. Natural Resources
  9. Social Impact
  10. Sustainable Investing 
  11. Water Focused

Judges will also evaluate the fund based on the alignment level with the EU's SFDR  Article 9 regulatory technical standard for sustainable impact.  An independent ESG and key sustainability metrics report of the funds submitted by the candidates will be drawn from BlueOnion* to demonstrate the walking the talks of the funds' ESG scoring, Risk ranking, and rating, as well as the Paris Agreement's Temperature alignment against their peers. You can enter more than one fund for each category by registering under a separate entry.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

The ESG Integration Award recognizes investment management companies that demonstrate commitments to integrate ESG into their investment decision-making throughout the investment process for the entire suites of their products and investment activities. It reinforces ESG's role in Long-Term Value Creation.

Judges will be looking for qualities in the:

  1. Systematic approach: innovative approaches to applying environmental, social, and governance (ESG) analysis to the funds being managed across the board, despite the sectors, countries, and asset classes
  2. Alignment level with the EU's SFDR  Article 8 regulatory technical standard for ESG integration
  3. Buy-in of the team and implementation: how multiple units come to a consensus for the performance across the board
  4. Disclosure: disclosed policies and procedures for integrating ESG information and metrics into the investment process communicated to investee companies
  5. Execution: resources, constraints, and timeline management
  6. Outcomes: How are results measured?

Judges will also evaluate the fund based on the alignment level with the EU's SFDR  Article 8 regulatory technical standard for ESG integration. An independent ESG and critical sustainability metrics report of the funds submitted by the candidates will be drawn from BlueOnion* to demonstrate the walking the talks of the funds' ESG scoring, Risk ranking, and rating, as well as the Paris Agreement's Temperature alignment against their peers. You can enter more than one fund for each category by registering under a separate entry.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

This award recognizes fund houses putting the welfare of the beneficiaries at the forefront. This award is given to the fund houses that embrace Responsible Investing and practice Active Ownership and integrate ESG into their ownership policies and practices while driving positive real-world goals. Apart from illustrating their collaborative engagement initiatives with the investees, they prioritize outcomes at the society/economy-wide scales, such as addressing climate change and corruption, rather than purely focusing on pure risks and returns of the holdings in the portfolio.

Judges will be looking for qualities in:

  1. the foundation of the practical stewardship principles
  2. ongoing development and implementation of the stewardship policies
  3. monitoring and assessment techniques of investee companies
  4. the collaboration goals and engagement principles with investee companies and investors
  5. how voting rights are exercised
  6. how ESG is promoted as long-term value creation
  7. level of transparency, disclosure, and reporting

Multiple funds of the candidates will be drawn randomly from BlueOnion* to demonstrate the walking the talks of the fund houses’ ESG, GC, and Temperature performances against their peers.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

The Transparency Award recognizes investment management companies that demonstrate commitment to disclosing the firm's and their investment portfolios' climate-related financial risks and how their existing processes support their investment decisions.

Judges will also evaluate the house based on the level of disclosure under the TCFD guideline of the four pillars of Governance, Strategy, Goals & Metrics, and Risk Management, and the other 11 metrics associated with the four pillars.

Judges will be looking for qualities in the:

  1. TCFD Report from the last reporting cycle
  2. Additional voluntary disclosures beyond regulatory requirement
  3. Percentage of companies in the constituents that are aligned with the disclosures of the four pillars and 11 topics and their qualities of disclosure
  4. Policies and procedures disclosed for strategies tackling physical and transition risks described in the reporting, and the goals and metrics set for achievement

BlueOnion* will provide an independent TCFD alignment report for the fund to assist the jurors with the assessment.  The information will reveal the underlying companies of the constituents that are aligned with the disclosure requirement based on five levels: Basic, Foundation, Core, Enhanced, and Unaligned.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

The Climate Risk Management Award recognizes an investment house that identifies, assesses, and manages climate-related risks as part of the core risk management protocol.

Judges will be looking at the approaches of the firm to manage climate-related risks and opportunities:

    1. How the manager engages with the investees to set climate-risk metrics and encourage sustainable practices in their operations, and the same goes for fixed-income houses, their collaborative and collective engagement
    2. How the manager's risk management teams integrate traditional investment processes to monitor counterparty and credit risks
    3. How the team uses carbon-related and climate risk metrics to enable a deeper financial analysis of potential risks during security selection
    4. What are the metrics being used for risk mitigation?
    5. The paths the manager has taken before divestment and the stakeholder's protection.

BlueOnion* will provide independent Risk Scores for the funds managed by the manager randomly chosen to assist the jurors with the assessment.  The information will reveal the underlying companies of the constituents that are aligned with the overall ESG, a standalone Environmental, Social, and Governance Risk Score, and the Carbon Risk Score.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

The Climate Governance Award recognizes an investment house with apparent board oversight and management's role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities.

Judges will be looking at the approaches of the firm to governance in climate-related risks and opportunities:

  1. How the board has laid out the policies and defined clear responsibilities between the board and the management involvement and the risks articulation to include fiduciary duties, risk mitigation, etc.
  2. How a consensus comes about for board-approved policies, goals, and target setting and how progress is measured and reported
  3. The strategies and activities for upskilling internal skill sets and expertise, linkage to corporate strategy, and capacity building for senior management to the most junior personnel

BlueOnion* will provide independent Environmental Commitment scores for the funds randomly chosen from the investment firm to assist the jurors with the assessment.

The information will reveal the overall portfolio of the funds chosen and their underlying companies of the constituents of their public pledges to  Renewable Energy Usage Target, Sustainability Integration, Air Emissions Reduction, Ensuring Environmental Protection, Biodiversity Protection Targets, Hazardous Waste Reduction, and Water Strategy

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

The Climate Strategy Award recognizes an investment house with the best strategy to tack actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on both the organization and their investment portfolio levels.

Judges will be looking at the approaches of the firm strategy development in climate-related risks and opportunities:

  1. How objectives are set to promote stewardship and encourage investees for climate strategy development
  2. How the managers are capturing green investment opportunities while targeting to reduce the carbon footprint and mitigate exposure to carbon-intensive assets
  3. How is the process of identifying and mitigating the portfolios' transition and physical risks and the percentages of exposures to both dangers, and the divestment/re-weighting of holdings to reduce exposure to stranded assets
  4. What impact do the firm's portfolios have on climate change – the 1.5°C or 2.0°C scenario compared to the benchmark? What are the firm's scenario analysis and stress testing helping to value the assets at risk

BlueOnion* will provide independent reporting on Carbon Exposures for the funds randomly chosen from the investment firm to assist the jurors with the assessment.

The information will reveal the overall portfolio of the funds chosen and their underlying companies of the constituents of their exposures in Stranded Assets, Country Risk, Carbon Footprint, Scope 1&2 emissions, water withdrawal and toxic waste production, and the Temperature Alignment of 1.5°C or 2.0°C scenario.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.


To enter, the fund best exemplifies your capability must:

  • have a minimum 1-year track record
  • provide the oldest share class fund as best exemplifies
  • have an ISIN code
  • provide prospectus or fact sheet

You can submit more than one fund to each category by entering the fund into a separate entry. The strategies presented do not have to be authorized funds in the jurisdiction of competition. It can be a UCITS, SICAV, etc..…

3 Steps to the Title:

Step 1: – Decide which investment strategies you would like to put forward. We have listened to our hard-working contestants and decided to allow them to enter more than one fund in each category. Please consider choosing the bundle package that will enable you to enter more funds into one type than going ala carte.

Step 2: – Fill out the Multiple Choice Questionnaire to be shortlisted. Due to increasing entries yearly, we can no longer offer each fund an opportunity to the Gatekeeper Forum. To present the best of the best in front of the judges, candidates who have met the qualifying threshold will be shortlisted to enter this second round of assessment. These shortlisted candidates are determined by the quality of the answers provided in the questionnaire.

Step 3: – Shortlisted candidates who made it to the Gatekeeper Forum will complete the rest of the questionnaire, which is the text responses of the submission. Judges will score their interviews with the PM/CIO based on the criteria specified in their scorecards. This is a subjective process, and the judges will be provided with the independent financial performance provided by Morningstar and the sustainability performance by BlueOnion.  This is a highly curated forum where only the PM, CIO, or Product Specialists are invited to meet the Senior Gatekeepers in person. During the 30-minute session, a panel of 3-5 jurors will ask in-depth questions along the five critical pillars for further understanding of team practices.   Jurors will be provided the overall Level I and II submission and an independent report extracted from independent sources – Morningstar for the fund's financial performance and BlueOnion for the fund's sustainability performance.    Jurors who have signed up/assigned to a particular peer group will score based on their experience with the fund house and team and the evidence presented in front of them. Cutting at this stage could be relatively subjective, as each juror has their selection priorities, often guided by their underlying needs and experiences. For example, a private banking gatekeeper would prioritize criteria selection differently than a single-family office.

Other Rules
Submitting Materials for Multiple Regions – If you are entering the same category for more than one region, you may use the same information, documents, and flagship fund across all the areas. For example, you've entered your global fixed-income strategy for Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. You may use the same information for all three regions.

Submitting Materials for Multiple Strategies – Separate groups of jurors will evaluate different product types, so please make sure there is one submission per strategy. DO NOT send one submission to represent different strategies.

Merging Categories To ensure the quality of the awards, categories with less than three funds participating may be incorporated into a larger category of the same kind without prior notice.

Our impact thematic categories for passive strategies are targeted at positively impacting the world while making respectable risk-adjusted returns. Judges will look for your competitive proposition on the impact investment negative and positive impact, the progress towards achieving those goals, the scale of the investments vs. the impact terms created, and how the effect contributes to society/economy-wide solutions.

Categories for 2022:
  1. Climate Impact
  2. Environmental Impact
  3. Social Impact
  4. Governance Focused
  5. Sustainable Investing
  6. Carbon Reduction Focused
  7. Energy Transition Focused

An independent ESG and key sustainability metrics report of the funds submitted by the candidates will be drawn from BlueOnion* to demonstrate the walking the talks of the ETF providers' ESG scoring, Risk ranking and rating, as well as the Paris Agreement's Temperature alignment against their peers.  You can enter more than one fund for each category by registering under a separate entry.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 73 countries.


Judges will also evaluate the fund based on the alignment level with the EU's SFDR  Article 9 regulatory technical standard for sustainable impact.  An independent ESG and key sustainability metrics report of the funds submitted by the candidates will be drawn from BlueOnion* to demonstrate the walking the talks of the funds' ESG scoring, Risk ranking, and rating, as well as the Paris Agreement's Temperature alignment against their peers. You can enter more than one fund for each category by registering under a separate entry.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

The ESG Integration Award recognizes investment management companies that demonstrate commitments to integrate ESG into their investment decision-making throughout the investment process for the entire suites of their products, investment activities and reinforces ESG's role in Long-Term Value Creation.

Judges will be looking for qualities in:

  1. the systematic approach: innovative approaches to applying environmental, social, and governance (ESG) analysis to the funds being managed across the board, despite the sectors, countries, and asset classes
  2. the team buy-in and implementation: how multiple teams come to a consensus for the performance across the board
  3. disclosure: disclosed policies and procedures for integrating ESG information and metrics into the investment process communicated to investee companies
  4. execution: resources, constraints, and timeline management
  5. outcomes: How are results measured the key learnings from this approach

Multiple funds of the candidates will be drawn randomly from BlueOnion to demonstrate the walking the talks of the fund houses’ ESG, GC, and Temperature performances against their peers.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

Many ETF providers provide excuses for not exercising proper stewardship owing to the nature of being “passive". This award recognizes ETF providers for putting the welfare of the beneficiaries at the forefront, and those who believe in Passive Managers having an Active Voice – who practice responsible Investing and active ownership and integrate ESG into their ownership policies and practices while driving positive real-world goals. Apart from illustrating their collaborative engagement initiatives with the investees, they prioritize outcomes at the society/economy-wide scales, such as addressing climate change and corruption, rather than purely focusing on pure risks and returns of the holdings in the portfolio.

Judges will be looking for qualities in:

  • the foundation of the practical stewardship principles
  • ongoing development and implementation of the stewardship policies
  • monitoring and assessment techniques of investee companies
  • the collaboration goals and engagement principles with investee companies and investors
  • how voting rights are exercised
  • how ESG is promoted as long-term value creation
  • level of transparency, disclosure, and reporting

Multiple funds of the candidates will be drawn randomly from BlueOnion to demonstrate the walking the talks of the fund houses’ ESG, GC, and Temperature performances against their peers.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

The Transparency Award recognizes ETF Issuers that demonstrate commitment to disclosing the firm's and their investment portfolios' climate-related financial risks and how their existing processes support their investment decisions.  

Judges will be looking for qualities in the:

  1. TCFD Report from the last reporting cycle
  2. Additional voluntary disclosures beyond regulatory requirement
  3. Percentage of companies in the constituents that are aligned with the disclosures of the four pillars and 11 topics and their qualities of disclosure
  4. Policies and procedures disclosed for strategies tackling physical and transition risks described in the reporting, and the goals and metrics set for achievement

Judges will also evaluate the house based on the level of disclosure under the TCFD guideline of the four pillars of Governance, Strategy, Goals & Metrics, and Risk Management, and the other 11 metrics associated with the four pillars.

* BlueOnion will provide an independent TCFD alignment report for the fund to assist the jurors with the assessment.  The information will reveal the underlying companies of the constituents that are aligned with the disclosure requirement based on five levels: Basic, Foundation, Core, Enhanced, and Unaligned.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

The Climate Risk Management Award recognizes ETF Issuers that identify, assess, and manages climate-related risks as part of the core risk management protocol.

Judges will be looking at the approaches of the firm to manage climate-related risks and opportunities:

  1. How the manager engages with the investees to set climate-risk metrics and encourage sustainable practices in their operations, and the same goes for fixed-income houses, their collaborative and collective engagement
  2. How the manager's risk management teams integrate traditional investment processes to monitor counterparty and credit risks
  3. How the team uses carbon-related and climate risk metrics to enable a deeper financial analysis of potential risks during security selection
  4. What are the metrics being used for risk mitigation?
  5. The paths the manager has taken before divestment and the stakeholder's protection.

* BlueOnion will provide independent Risk Scores for the funds managed by the manager randomly chosen to assist the jurors with the assessment.  The information will reveal the underlying companies of the constituents that are aligned with the overall ESG, a standalone Environmental, Social, and Governance Risk Score, and the Carbon Risk Score.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

The Climate Governance Award recognizes ETF Issuers with apparent board oversight and management's role in assessing and managing climate-related risks and opportunities.

Judges will be looking at the approaches of the firm to governance in climate-related risks and opportunities:

  1. How the board has laid out the policies and defined clear responsibilities between the board and the management involvement and the risks articulation to include fiduciary duties, risk mitigation, etc.
  2. How a consensus comes about for board-approved policies, goals, and target setting and how progress is measured and reported
  3. The strategies and activities for upskilling internal skill sets and expertise, linkage to corporate strategy, and capacity building for senior management to the most junior personnel

* BlueOnion will provide independent Environmental Commitment scores for the funds randomly chosen from the investment firm to assist the jurors with the assessment.

The information will reveal the overall portfolio of the funds chosen and their underlying companies of the constituents of their public pledges to  Renewable Energy Usage Target, Sustainability Integration, Air Emissions Reduction, Ensuring Environmental Protection, Biodiversity Protection Targets, Hazardous Waste Reduction, and Water Strategy

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

The Climate Strategy Award recognizes ETF Issuers with the best strategy to tack actual and potential impacts of climate-related risks and opportunities on both the organization and their investment portfolio levels.

Judges will be looking at the approaches of the firm strategy development in climate-related risks and opportunities:

  1. How objectives are set to promote stewardship and encourage investees for climate strategy development
  2. How the managers are capturing green investment opportunities while targeting to reduce the carbon footprint and mitigate exposure to carbon-intensive assets
  3. How is the process of identifying and mitigating the portfolios' transition and physical risks and the percentages of exposures to both dangers, and the divestment/re-weighting of holdings to reduce exposure to stranded assets
  4. What impact do the firm's portfolios have on climate change – the 1.5°C or 2.0°C scenario compared to the benchmark? What are the firm's scenario analysis and stress testing helping to value the assets at risk

* BlueOnion will provide independent reporting on Carbon Exposures for the funds randomly chosen from the investment firm to assist the jurors with the assessment.

The information will reveal the overall portfolio of the funds chosen and their underlying companies of the constituents of their exposures in Stranded Assets, Country Risk, Carbon Footprint, Scope 1&2 emissions, water withdrawal and toxic waste production, and the Temperature Alignment of 1.5°C or 2.0°C scenario.

*BlueOnion is Benchmark's disruptive fund research platform hosting over 290,000 funds with sustainability data, including ESG, Global Compact (GC), and Temperature Score in 67 countries.

Our honorable Jurors for 2022

Adeline Tan FIA

Wealth Business Leader, Hong Kong, Mercer

Agnes K Y Tai

Director, Great Glory Investment Corporation

Alan Chan

Head of Investment, OCBC Wing Hang

Alexandra Tracy

President, Hoi Ping Ventures

Angus Choi

Partner, ESG Advisory, KPMG

Anthony Cheung

Honorary Treasurer and Board Governor Friends of the Earth (Hong Kong)

Belinda Hsieh

Executive Director, Head of Treasures Investment Product & Advisory, CBG & Wealth Management, DBS Bank (HK)

Belle Liang

Head of Investment Advisory and Executive Director, Hang Seng Bank Limited

Catherine Chen

Founder and CEO AvantFaire Investment Management

Claire Chen

Leads Fund Due Diligence team in Greater China, DBS Private Bank

Clement Lai

Chief of Fund Advisory, Investment Advisory Department, Investment Products and Advisory Business, Hang Seng Bank Limited

Elsa Pau

Group CEO, Blueonion

Francesco Stadler

Director of Impact Funds & Ventures, Sustainable Finance Initiative

Joanne Murphy

Managing Director, Asia Pacific, CAIA Association

Jonathan Wan

Deputy Head of Retail Banking & Wealth Management Department, ICBC (Asia) Limited

Kenny Chong

Head of Investment Services, Wealth Management Alliance

Kent Chen

Senior Vice President, The Shanghai Commercial & Savings Bank, LTD.

Larry Cao, CFA

Senior Director of Industry Research, CFA Institute

Leo Lee

Chief Investment Officer, Grace Harmony (Hong Kong) Limited

Leo Pui

Head of Investment Product, ICBC (Asia) Limited

Martin Chen

Executive Director, Raffles Family Office

Martin W. Hennecke

Asia Investment Director, St. James's Place Wealth Management

Nicholas Leung

Senior Vice President – Section Head, Investment Products & Advisory, Bank of East Asia

Nick Pollard

Managing Director, Asia Pacific, CFA Institute

Pamela Mar

Managing Director, Digital Standards Initiative, International Chamber of Commerce

Paul Smith, CFA

Licensed Representative, Peak Capital Limited

Richard Harris

Founder & CEO, Port Shelter

Sammy Koo

EY – Parthenon, Partner, Strategy and Transactions

Serena Mak

Executive Director of Sustainable Finance, DBS Bank (HK)

Simon Liu

Head of Investment Research, St. James’s Place Wealth Management Group

Stephan Repkow

CEO and Founder, Wealth Management Alliance

Zita Chung

Chief Investment Officer, Sun Life Group

黃慶堂 Ph.D. Finance

銘傳大學企管系 政大財管系兼任副教授


CAIA Taiwan, Member


國立屏東大學 財金系副教授


新光銀行 財富管理部 副總經理

應德煇 CFA

CFA Society Taiwan 理事
Submission Activities:Key Dates:
Entry Opens:October 11, 2022
Close of Entry:November 10, 2022
Submission Deadline for Shortlisting (Level 1):December 5, 2022
Submission Deadline for Shortlisted Candidates (LevelI):December 23, 2022
The Gatekeeper Forum:January 16-18, 2023
Judging Period:January 2023
Results Announcement:February 9, 2023
Filming (completion by 1 May 2023):Subject to Client Schedule 

There are many ways to take advantage of the collaboration between Benchmark and BlueOnion. The bundle with BlueOnion allows you to go beyond just a competition but learn the actual sustainability performance of your funds to become more competitive and meet regulatory requirements.  Below are the four options you can choose whether you are an existing BlueOnion member or becoming one. Either option, you will be entitled to the participation process of the Benchmark Fund of the Year Awards, including the Gatekeeper Forum, and access to BlueOnion, an ESG analytics platform that covers over 290,000 funds and over 40,000 companies of their ESG, Climate, UNGC, financial performance, and ranking.  All members receive a 30% discount on all BlueOnion products.

OptionsEntriesAdditional BenefitsFees
Package 1:
BlueOnion Member Package
Up to 10 The free use of the Company Screener for 1 full yearFlat fee USD 5,200
Package 2:
BlueOnion Member Package
Up to 16The free use of the Company Screener for 1 full yearFlat fee USD 8,000
Package 3:
New Member Package
Up to 10The free use of the Fund Hub for 1 yearFlat fee USD 5,200
Package 4:
New Member Package
Up to 16The free use of the Fund Hub for 1 yearFlat fee USD 8,000
Additional Entries Every additional entryN/AUSD 980 per region
Non-Member Entries Per entryN/AUSD 1,500 per region

The Gatekeeper Forum is a sub-set of the judging process with three to five jurors holding a two-way conversation with the manager of a contesting strategy. The forum allows the shortlisted contestants’ CIO or Portfolio Manager to showcase how they're running a profitable strategy and respond to technical questions raised by the gatekeepers.  The Forum is a highly curated platform that connects both the buy and sell side of funds and empowers gatekeepers from Private Banks, Institutions, Foundations, and Single and Multi-Family Offices to look under the hood before they invest. Another purpose of the Gatekeeper Forum is to promote investment clarity and transparency. The interaction between senior fund house representatives and our jurors can reveal the underlying idea generation and philosophy of the contesting strategies from multiple perspectives, particularly from a qualitative and ESG perspective. Judges will be presented with independent financial and sustainability performances provided by Morningstar and BlueOnion together with narratives of the challenges provided by the shortlisted candidates. Only invited jurors can select the sessions they are interested in. The forum was held virtually last year, with managers and jurors joining from all over the world and this year the forum will be conducted in a hybrid format.